Homeowners who find themselves in the position of having to choose a roofing material, either for a new home roofing job or to replace existing roofing, now have a myriad of options from which to choose. These options can be confusing as each manufacturer touts their line of products as ‘the best’. So, how does a homeowner know what to choose?

The basic factors on the table for roofing depend largely on the desires, budget of the homeowner, and the location of the home. Within those parameters, there are other factors which can help determine which type of roofing would be the most suitable overall.


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New Roof Options


Shingle Roofing

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Shingle material should be chosen based on the weather demands of the area as requirements vary widely depending on the region. The weight and type of shingle material, algae resistance, wind rating, as well as the length of the warranty, are all factors the homeowner should consider as they determine the particulars which affect suitability.


The shingles should coordinate with the style and age of the house and surrounding neighborhood. In fact, some neighborhoods insist on a certain grade of shingles. Matching the shingle material with ‘what is’ will create an aesthetically pleasing aspect and also add to the value of the home.

Appearance is based largely on the type and style of shingle material, as explained below:

Strip shingles

Also called ‘3-tab shingles’, this type of shingle material is generally used on a roof to replace previously installed strip shingles. It is the most basic shingle and consists of a single layer of asphalt material.

Dimensional shingles

Dimensional shingles are a two layer construction, which means that the homeowner has a startling array of options when it comes to creating exactly the type of look which they wish to achieve within their budget. For this reason, dimensional shingles hold the lion’s share of the shingle market. While they cost more than strip shingles, they offer considerably more options in terms of style and color. Dimensional shingles are highly attractive, widely available, will cover imperfections on the roof, and work well with the majority of pitches and roof types.


While strip shingles represent the most economical option, dimensional shingles offer a variety and such an aesthetically superior look that some neighborhoods require them--even though the cost is approximately twenty percent higher. At almost double the price of dimensional shingles, designer or luxury shingles surpasses the others in terms of appearance, style and cost.


Metal Roofing

Installing a metal roof is one of the best ways to add value to any home. Metal roofing provides years of worry free service to your home, as well as protection that outlasts any other type of roofing. Our metal roofing products come in a variety of colors that will compliment any style of home. Some metal roofing is ENERGY STAR rated and could apply for local and government rebates.

Our metal roofing installation includes:

  • Removal of old roofing

  • Installation of a synthetic underlayment

  • 24 gauge panels, formed on site

  • Ridge vent ventilation system

  • 5 year labor warranty

  • 5 year manufacturing warranty