Why Is My Roof Leaking


A leaking roof brings the threat of mold and destruction to walls, ceilings, furniture, and more. They rob a homeowner of their peace of mind and will end in costly repairs if ignored or neglected. Here are some reasons roofs leak.

Damaged Flashing

Flashing is pieces of metal that form a barrier, usually installed in the roof underneath the shingles. They’re water-resistant and are sealed with tar to keep them together. By being exposed to the sun, wind, and rain, the tar wears away and makes the flashing crack. There are times when the caulking that sealed the flashing dries up and ends in giant cracks in the roof. It’s a good idea to cover flashing with a rubberized coating to prevent cracks caused by natural forces.

Rotting or Loose Shingles

Cracks easily identify an aging roof. It’s even possible for the shingles to fall on the ground, revealing underlying patches. If this aging process continues, exposure to the wind and sun create leaks in the roof.

Loose shingles and cracks should be examined by a certified roof construction service expert and might need only small repairs. Taking swift action may extend the life of the roof for many years to come.

Roofing Nails

Roofing nails are utilized to place shingles and to connect roof tiles and sheet metal. When these nails get pushed out by the aging process, they leave behind holes, and water can penetrate the roof. If these holes establish themselves around the roof edges, it creates a situation where wind-driven rain can enter, forming a leak.

Expert roof installers can swiftly identify these holes, whereas an untrained homeowner might miss them altogether. Taking quick action to seal these holes will allow the homeowner to save on more expensive repairs and inconveniences.

Rubber Boots

Plumbing vents and other roof projections are covered by using rubber boots, which act like flashing, guarding the inner surface. Exposure to extreme weather over a period of time might cause the rubber boots to crack, making the plumbing vents exposed and prone to leaking.

Having these boots examined professionally helps identify cracks, and an expert can advise the homeowner on the necessary steps to repair them.

Badly Sealed Valleys

The surface where two planes of the roof join together is called a valley. Usually, the roof is sloped, and damaged or faulty sealing in the valley between slopes can make water creep in and create a substantial leak. A professional roofer might fix this problem until a new roof can be put on or when steps can be taken to ensure the roof is appropriately sealed.

Skylights that leak

Skylights offer additional natural light to homes by letting sunlight enter. When installed on the roof, these specialized windows are sealed with flashing. When measured or installed poorly, these skylights become leaky and invite rainwater.

Reinstallation will help fix skylight leaks

An experienced construction company specializes in building and repair solutions. They can offer a homeowner who has roofing issues expert construction planning and guidance services. If you’re looking for any assistance with a leaking roof, skylights, or other structures, give us a call! We’d be happy to help.

Yuras Roofing Company is a family-owned and operated business for commercial and residential roofing in San Antonio. We install all types of composition and laminated shingles, metal roofing, TPO, and more. Gutters, ventilation, and insulation are also available. Call us today at (210) 592-4802.